Gas-powered leaf blowers are bad for our health.

Gas-powered leaf blowers
are bad for our health. Here’s why:
  • Exhaust emissions from gas-powered leaf blowers can contain significant amounts of highly toxic compounds linked to certain cancers, asthma and other respiratory problems, as well as damage to the heart, lungs, and central nervous system. Toxins in the exhaust include benzene, 1,3-butadiene, toluene, formaldehyde, and other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

  • Gas leaf blowers blow dust and debris into the air which can contain mold and fungal spores, insect eggs, pollen, dried animal waste, and pesticides. These harmful pollutants can linger in the air for hours, settle on windowsills, or enter your home through
    windows and doors. Even brief exposures can be harmful.

  • Children are most susceptible since they breathe more air per pound of body weight than adults. When exposed to even small amounts of toxic chemicals at critical periods of
    development (windows of vulnerability), they can

    suffer from both acute and long term health effects.

  • Gas leaf blowers produce noise levels that greatly exceed those recommended by the World Health Organization. This level of noise can damage hearing, interfere with sleep, and increase blood pressure, adrenaline, and heart rates. 

  • Frequent spilling and overfilling of equipment can result in the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which react with sunlight to produce ground level ozone. Spilled gasoline can seep into groundwater and waterways, affecting drinking water and polluting rivers, lakes, and oceans.
  • Gas leaf blowers harm birds and butterfly and bee habitats with hot air jets that can exceed 200 mph.
  • When compared to an average car, one hour of gas leaf blower use emits 498 times as many hydrocarbons, 49 times as much particulate matter, and 26 times as much carbon monoxide.

    Help support efforts to regulate gas-powered leaf blowers in your community!
    Start by asking your landscaper NOT to use a gas leaf blower on your property, then call your local town officials and request restrictions.

    52 Main Street • Port Washington • New York • 11050